Tuesday, February 28, 2012

One more sleep, and a little geography lesson

And we're off--outrunning winter storm #2 and the dreaded GMC strain of the norovirus. The next post will include pictures and (we hope) a boring comment about an uneventful trip across the Atlantic and over the Alps.

And by the way, Major Corporate Airline, Atlanta is NOT on the way to Munich from the American northeast, but we're pleased that we'll get to wave at our house as we fly back over it on the way across the Pond.

Friday, February 24, 2012

How many sleeps?

We're counting the days, or rather the nights, until we take off for Italy. For J, this means "counting sleeps." Five more!

We'll need at least that much time to sort out what we're packing. We're a bookish family, especially since S is teaching two philosophy classes at the castle, and I'm working on an extensive writing project. Most importantly, however, we have to take the right ones for J. Will he still want to share the daily journey of Maisy's Train two months from now? Will Amazing Airplanes still help us through long flights? Should we take his favorite Japanese book to Italy, or will that just be too confusing (especially since we'll be in Italy, but in a German-speaking village)?

Thanks for visiting our blog. I'm hoping the entries will be more exciting when we're actually in Italy. Please come back and see us after five more sleeps!